The EU carbon border tax. A sustainable market-based instrument or an obstacle to the free trade of goods?


The EU carbon border tax. A sustainable market-based instrument or an obstacle to the free trade of goods?

Summary: 1. Introduction. ‒ 2. Market based mechanisms and environmental taxes: pros and cons. ‒ 3. Carbon Taxation. Different examples from different countries. ‒ 4. The EU carbon border tax. Is it the future? ‒ 5. Conclusions.


The aim of this paper is to analyse how to fight climate change through the use carbon taxes. In particular, we will find how the new EU carbon border tax can replace the existent climate change mechanisms, such as the Emission Trading System.

L’obiettivo di questo documento è quello di analizzare come combattere il cambiamento climatico attraverso l’uso di tasse sul carbonio. In particolare, si cercherà di capire come la nuova tassa sulle emissioni di carbonio dell’Unione Europea possa sostituire i meccanismi di lotta al cambiamento climatico già esistenti, come il sistema di scambio delle emissioni


di Luna Aristei

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