Secular State and Religious Revival in Contemporary Constitutionalism


Friday, 13 December 2013, h. 11-13.30 Sala del Consiglio
viale Pola, 12
00198 Roma

Seminar on

Secular State and Religious Revival in Contemporary Constitutionalism

Michel Rosenfeld (Justice Sydney L. Robins Professor of Human Rights and Director, Program on Global and Comparative Constitutional Theory, Cardozo School of Law, New York City)

Susanna Mancini (Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Bologna)

h. 12 Discussants

Cesare Pinelli (Professor of Constitutional Law, La Sapienza University of Rome)

Giorgio Pino (Professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Palermo)

Giovanni Rizzoni (Professor of Comparative Public Law, LUISS Guido Carli; Counsellor, Italian Chamber of Deputies)

h. 12.45 Q&A
h. 13.15 Conclusions

Melina Decaro (Professor of Comparative Public Law, LUISS Guido Carli) Chairperson

Nicola Lupo (Professor of Public Law, LUISS Guido Carli) Working Language: English

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